May 18, 2013

LOOK | when nature takes over

 photo P1050261_zps7a130cf7.jpg  photo P1050259_zps204950c2.jpg  photo P1050260_zps697da5ee.jpg
Ph. by Kim
Birkin look-a-like: leather shop in Rome | Coat, cardigan and tunic: Zara | Camo skinnies: Topshop Tall | Trainers: Converse | Random scarf 

(Haha, sorry for the plastic bag on the ground in the second pic - at least it is green x))

Needed to shoot pics on this bizarre location. The graffiti < > the trees, grass and little flowers was just too amazing. Sadly the light wasn't equally great, leaving me with dull grey'ish snaps. But hey, you get the thought ;) ..


Marlou said...

"ja die zak had je echt even aan de kant moeten doen", aldus mevrouw persfotografie. leuk hoor! fijne plek!

Unknown said...

Ha, ik dacht EXACT hetzelfde Marlou x)
Was een plek in Rome, onderweg naar de catacomben .. Vond t ook een fijne vibe hebben :)